PVH: Leading Fashion Into A More Unified Future

By: Pilar Burgess

PVH Corp., formerly known as Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation, is one of the largest global clothing conglomerates. Owning companies such as Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein, PVH is an established household name who we were honored to have as an official partner of the 2019 MFMS. Dana Perlman, Treasurer and Senior VP of Business Development & Investor Relations of PVH, shared her personal experiences and career insight at the 2019 summit. In addition to her work at PVH, Perlman was recognized by WomenInc. magazine in the 2018 Most Influential Corporate Board Directors list for her work with O’Reilly Automotive. As a University of Michigan-Stephen M. Ross School of Business alumna, Perlman was able to establish common ground with the University of Michigan students who attended the summit.

We are very grateful to have had the opportunity to hear Perlman speak, along with the entire team from PVH that was present: Aditi Sindhi, director acquisition, Jessica Pohlman, senior recruiter, and Sarah Lucariello, talent acquisition operations and research. It is no coincidence that these representatives are all powerful women, as PVH was highlighted in Forbes Inaugural list of the Best Employers for Women.

Taking a closer look at why PVH. is so highly esteemed, we must address their inclusion and diversity efforts (I&D). On January 7, it was released that PVH and Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) have partnered together to start the conversation of I&D within fashion. Their main order of business:  To not only start the conversation, but to create a plan for “converting awareness into action”.

PVH and CFDA are holding themselves accountable, setting the standard for other companies to highlight how fashion should not only acknowledge racial, sexual, and cultural diversity, but the diversity of varying perspectives and backgrounds. Their tireless efforts to integrate diversity and inclusion into the workplace has not gone unnoticed. PVH has received national recognition for their corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ workplace equality, in addition to being featured on the Forbes Best Employers for Diversity 2019 list. Fashion is a universal language, therefore, creating a space for individuals to express themselves is critical for building a welcoming community.

PVH and CFDA both have a significant influence on the world of fashion.  When establishing this partnership, PVH has highlighted their core values: Individuality, partnership, passion, integrity and accountability. In accordance with these principles, PVH is officially certified as a great place to work. Focusing on how their implementation of I&D can reflect their core values, this company is able to highlight how this implementation “isn’t a function that checks a box; it’s part of our DNA and central to how we do business”.

Igniting the conversation of I&D in fashion, PVH and CFDA have set the tone for the industry’s future. As we continue to unite fashion enthusiasts within The University of Michigan, the MFMS is honored to have gained insight from PVH representatives during this year’s summit.  Building a community of prospective industry professionals, the MFMS is keen on incorporating our own I&D efforts within the organization. To have had PVH as an official partner of the MFMS, we are proud to have learned from Dana Perlman and the representatives accompanying her. We recommend following the growth of this PVH and CFDA initiative, as both companies are modeling the future of fashion and the direction the industry is heading.

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