What’s in store for MFMS 2020 with Delaney and Cam

We’re back for round three! Our Editor-in-Chief sits down with our co-presidents Delaney Walker and Cam Starwalt to discuss what’s in store for the 2020 Michigan Fashion Media Summit. Read below to get the inside scoop. 

Editor-in-Chief: How is this year going to be different than other years and what is 2020 going to bring? 

Delaney: When we were brainstorming for this year’s summit, we came up with the idea of connecting the dots. Our main focus is to showcase to students the wide variety of careers in the industry – that are all different, yet interconnected. 

Cam: This applies to our team as well. We want everybody to work collaboratively and cross-functionality so that we all understand what the person next to us is doing- this is connecting the dots. 

Editor-in-Chief: What are you most excited about in 2020? 

Delaney: I am most excited about lights off at the end of the day so we can witness all of our hard work and progress over the year. It’s really special to watch how individual people have grown into their roles, especially our team members who started off as freshmen and have now taken over larger leadership positions as juniors. It’s important to step back and really enjoy that special moment, with our team. I can’t wait to say “Wow, we really did that!” 


Cam: We both studied abroad last semester, so we are excited to see how the summit has grown since the first year. A lot has changed since then, and I’m excited to watch that change with my own two eyes. I know that we have grown a lot and have a much bigger presence on campus, but I am eager to see the energy at the actual summit. 

Editor-in-Chief: What lessons do you want to gain from this year? 

Delaney: A lesson I hope to gain is understanding everybody’s individual work dynamics. It’s crucial to adapt to different people’s work ethics and personalities- this is a very valuable lesson to learn both within the MFMS but also in the real world. 

Cam: A lesson I’ve already gained is how to manage a big group of people. I’ve never worked with a team this big or had the responsibility to manage a team this big, so this is something exciting for me! 

Editor-in-Chief: What did you take away from your summer internships and how are you going to apply it to this year’s summit? 

Delaney: My internship (at PVH) opened my eyes to opportunities in the industry that I didn’t notice before, along with the small intricacies involved in certain roles. Our main focus of the summit is to take all the jobs we learned about this summer that doesn’t get showcased as often and bringing that into fruition on the stage. 

Cam: This summer (at Chanel) provided me with a lot of clarity of what I want to do and also gave me the courage to pursue more creative aspects of the industry than I originally anticipated; this is definitely reflective in the lineup for this year’s summit, which is a lot more focused on the creative aspect of the industry. 

Editor-in-Chief: What is your biggest goal for 2020? 

Delaney: My biggest goal is to bring in as many new speakers and companies to grow our presence nationally. 

Cam: I hope to make our organization as strong as possible internally before Delaney and I graduate. I think we have the potential for this to go on forever, and I definitely want to strengthen the foundation that already exists. 

Editor-in-Chief: How is our experience with MFMS going to be different now that you two are at the helm?

Delaney: Last year as COO, I got to work with every single team which provided me with a lot of exposure. This was amazing, but it was very operationally based. This year, I am really excited to be more on the creative side of things and be able to control our creative vision and the conversations we are creating on campus. 

Cam: In the past, I have always been on the Finance team. In this role, I have been coping with the decisions everybody else has made, rather than driving these decisions myself or having a creative hand. I already feel so much more invested in this year’s summit with my newfound responsibility. 

Editor-in-Chief: How is our team going to operate differently with the addition of the Strategic Development Team?

Delaney: The Strategic Development team really enables us to do so much more outside of the summit this year. They are a really project-based team, which I think will be a really big resource on campus. They are working on resume workshops, internship panels and recruiting series which will help us grow our presence and strengthen our legitimacy on campus, along with providing more knowledge about the world of fashion. 

Cam: I agree with that!

Editor-in-Chief: How do you want to leave your mark on the MFMS? What will your legacy be?

Delaney: We are really focusing on strengthening the experience you get out of being a team member, whether that be bonding with other members or learning about their potential career paths and aspirations. We want to build a stronger sense of community within our team by transforming the MFMS from an organization that meets twice a week to a really strong support network and educational system. The best legacy I could leave is a community that is going to live on forever. 

Cam: In line with that, a big focus of ours is not only connecting the team members that are currently on our team but connecting them with people who have graduated. This is the first year that we have a network of professionals who are just starting their careers, and I want to lay down that groundwork so that going forward we will always have an MFMS network within and beyond the Michigan campus. 


Thank you, Delaney and Cam, for your insight into this year’s summit. We can’t wait to see your vision play out in 2020! 

Brian Zhaoall 2, campus