Jewel: The Entrepreneurial Mindset

By: Amy Rosner

Jewel, a luxury e-commerce platform, is shifting the online shopping experience one purchase at a time. While there are many cash back sites in the market, Jewel is the only digital platform that is solely dedicated to luxury and premium brands. Furthermore, Jewel is the perfect destination for customers who are looking to purchase luxury products, while also saving money at the same time.

MFMS resonates with Jewel because it is based in Detroit - a city we all support. In a recent interview with the company, co-founder Dushan Shimko describes the start-up business culture of up and coming cities like Detroit. In describing this corporate environment, he states, “…. there is a fast-growing startup ecosystem in Detroit and we’re excited to be part of the entrepreneurship growth story that’s happening in our city….(suburb crew).” Jewel is focused on innovation and pleasing the consumer, while simultaneously disrupting the world of fashion as we know it. MFMS and Jewel have similar objectives - create a brand that is welcoming but also quickly transforming and adapting to meet our constituents needs.

Last November, Jewel launched Jewel 2.0. Utilizing customer and brand feedback, Jewel transformed their site for the next iteration of loyalty commerce. The primary goal of Jewel 2.0 was to give shoppers an upgraded and enhanced shopper experience. The company employed various tactics to amplify consumer experience. Jewel implemented new marketing strategies to raise brand awareness and collaborated with influencers and brand ambassadors.

To this end, Jewel is constantly upgrading - a mandatory component of fast growth start-ups. Although done slightly differently, both MFMS and Jewel utilize marketing strategies to further solidify the image of our respective brands. Jewel’s marketing tactics have been an inspiration to us, and will definitely be used as a springboard for our own marketing plans in the future. And lastly, we commend Jewel for creating Jewel 2.0 - showcasing how business can adapt in an ever-changing environment. As the second annual Michigan Fashion Media Summit is approaching, we are hoping to supersede last year’s event. In doing so, we had to make positive and critical changes to our team and the brand overall. This gets at the heart of entrepreneurship, which Jewel so perfectly embodies. In a way, the 2019 MFMS can be regarded as MFMS 2.0!

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